Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Finding Balance

            As I was reading Pea’s article on distributed intelligence, I identified with the concern referenced by Salomon et. al. (Trade off #1 on p. 74-75), a need to keep in mind and distinguish between “effects with technology” vs. “effects of technology.” Pea discusses the concern that granting students extreme access to resources and technology may result in an increase in accessibility of activity but a deficit in understanding foundational concepts.
My high school did not permit the use of calculators in mathematics until pre-calculus courses with the justification that we needed to learn the concepts behind mathematical processes and formulas to truly understand what we were doing in solving mathematical problems rather than simply “plugging things into” a “magic” calculator. I have tutored many students in mathematics and can see how they may have benefitted from this policy as they often will reach for their calculator with no idea what to compute or why a computation is right for solving a problem. When they encounter a new “style” of problem, they have no starting place of how to navigate it and why they would use one formula over another. I think that, sometimes, since most of us making policies and teaching students were educated the “old fashioned” way of being forced to do things by hand and memorize math facts, we can tend to overlook the ways this has benefitted our understanding of larger math concepts. For example, memorizing addition facts to 10 has deepened our understanding of a base 10 system. Knowing that 3+4=7 fluently allows a 3rd grader to efficiently see how we can use distributive property to break down 3x7 to 3x3+3x4. At a higher-level example, my statistics course in college did not teach us how to use SPSS software. Our professor had us do the analyses by hand, asserting that this was more valuable as it would help us understand what it is each type of analysis was getting at and which analyses would be appropriate for analyzing data sets from different studies. So, during our classes we analyzed the structures of the formulas and why each one gave us the information we wanted about example data sets. I have to say, he was right. The next year, I was working in a research lab. While the lab used SPSS software and I did need some assistance in navigating it, I understood why we were running the tests we were running and how to interpret the information the software gave us.
                 On the other hand, the extreme “no calculator” policy meant that it took students longer to progress through mathematics courses in my high school and likely held many back from reaching their full potential in engaging with the field of mathematics. While it was not difficult for me to be “caught up” on SPSS software, I wasn’t ready to jump right in and use it in the lab. Both articles make a point that we live in a world that is rapidly changing and the information and technology we have available to us is rapidly growing. It would be a disservice to students to ignore this fact. After all, most of us walk around with some form of smart phone or computer in our pocket and can “google” anything we need information on most any time of day (not to mention the calculators, dictionaries, and GPS devices they also can function as). The skills to know how to quickly and efficiently access and use resources and technology that Bransford & Swartz reference in their idea of “preparation for future learning” (p.68) are certainly necessary in the world we are sending our students into. So, the question I am left with is, “how do we find a balance?” How do we prepare our students to build intelligence with technology (p.75) rather than rely on technology to do all the thinking? 


  1. I could be completely wrong on this so keep in mind that this is just my opinion.

    I'm not sure there's a lot of evidence that relying on technology to cover gaps in understanding will inhibit future understanding of concepts. I can see how it would be a worry and how it could possibly create barriers when students get into more advanced topics. But then again, I'm not sure it's anything more than a worry.

    For the sake of this comment, let's refer to just calculators and not other forms of mathematical technology (e.g. geogebra, etc.). I do know that there is quite a bit of research that shows that calculators can fill gaps in understanding and allow students to progress without being inhibited by their lack of ability. A big use of this is for students who really struggle with memorization and basic arithmetic. There is strong evidence to show that students who struggle with memorization can still do extremely advanced math and grapple with higher level math concepts. There is no reason they should be discouraged by "math" if all they truly struggle with is arithmetic.

    I have read recently (I don't think it was this class...) how memorizing basic properties can help with learning more advanced stuff fluidly. However, my opinion is that even if it takes a student considerably longer because they can't use basic recall to figure out some arithmetic, that doesn't mean they aren't capable of advanced math.

    Technology is becoming an ever present reality. Relying on it for understanding may not be a crutch as many believe, but a tool to become better than was ever possible before. And this statement is just conjecture and not fact. But I believe so is the worry that relying on technology is a hindrance to learning. So I believe both could happen... one is just more optimistic than the other.

  2. I think we can structure what it is that we want students to learn so that the technology does not entirely solve the problem for students or give the final answer and so that students can contextualize the input or output of the technology. In other words, a problem shouldn't be solvable by just using the technology. I come from a math background, so I'll provide a math example. For instance, if the question is, "Solve for x: y = 12 + 6x - x^2," students can use a TI-83 to easily graph this and find where the curve crosses the x-axis. However, one can ask the question in a way in which students have to realize that they need solve for x: "Jon throws a ball up in the air with the arc modeled by: y = 12 + 6x - x^2. How far away from him does the ball first hit the ground?" Students must first realize they need to solve for x, which they can use technology to do, and then find the difference of the two solutions. Students have to think through the problem. They use technology to do the calculations for them, but they ultimately have to make sense of the output. This is, by no means, a perfect example, but I think it gets the point across?
